Eco-friendly Habits You Can Adopt

10 October 2019 lif

Getting rid of bad habits is not always simple but, lucky for us, forming habits can be done quite easily. Many times a habit is developed with little or no conscious knowledge. Once we get into a certain routine we simply plug along happily, day by day, doing the same actions over and over again without giving them a second thought.

It doesn’t matter if you adopt 1, 2, or everything in this page. What matters is that you add something new into your normal habits and routines. Make a decision to make an eco-friendly change and then follow through and do it. Pretty soon you’ll probably notice you are beginning to think and act in a more eco-friendly manner without even realizing it.

Each of these habits is fairly simple, yet when done consistently can be quite beneficial over time. You might even be doing some of these already. Take a look and see:

  1. Eliminate one-use items in order to minimize waste.
  2. Reuse as many products as you can. While you are at it, try to kick the plastic habit and opt for reusable materials instead. You should also look for creative ways to reuse items you have.
  3. Carpool or take public transportation at least one day a week.
  4. Ride your bike or walk while traveling town whenever possible.
  5. When you are out and about in the environment, whether that means visiting a local city or camping out in the nearby mountain, make a concerted effort to leave no trace. This is something you can practice every day, no matter where you go.
  6. Conserve water. There is no reason to leave the faucet running while you wash fruits & vegetables, brush your teeth, clean the dishes and perform other similar tasks. In addition, running a half-full dishwasher or washing machine, watering your lawn during the hottest hours of the day and taking 20 minute showers is simply wasteful.

If you can incorporate these habits into your weekly routine, you’ll be on the way to living a much greener and more eco-friendly life!

References  [1][2]  /  Image credit [1]